Portraits of Independent Filmmakers 1974-1981
62 pages
texts in english
book/livre (15,00€)
Friedl Kubelka was born in 1946 in London and has been a practising photographer since 1971. She has taught photography in Salzburg and Vienna and founded two schools, "The School for Artistic Photography" in 1990 and "The School for Independent Film" in 2006, both in Vienna.
Friedl Kubelka observes observers observing. Some of her work has been about the unexpected that arises when caught in the act of watching. These pictures of American avant-garde filmmakers were taken in the 1970s. For these artists, the act of seeing or watching is also an act of recording. Friedl Kubelka records these very faces, whose eyes formed their own history of watching the world.
Friedl Kubelka est née en 1946 à Londres et pratique la photographie depuis 1971. Elle
enseigne la photographie à Salzbourg et à Vienne et a fondé deux écoles à Vienne, l'une en 1990 : « School for Artistic Photography », l'autre en 2006 : « School for Independent Film ».
Le travail de Friedl Kubelka interroge le regard de ceux regardent. Elle a photographié des cinéastes américains d'avant-garde des années 1970. Ceux pour qui l'acte de voir, de regarder, est également l'acte d'enregistrer. Friedl Kubelka saisit le visage de ces personnes : le regard de celui qui a vu, au travers duquel s'est tracée une histoire.